The Revenue Center Pro Broker Gives Trading Standards' Top Tips for Avoiding Fraud and Combat Scams

By mawrazafar | Date: 02/06/2023

London, UK - Scams Awareness Week, an annual campaign led by Citizens Advice and supported by Staffordshire County Council's Trading Standards service is a powerful initiative aimed at equipping consumers with the knowledge and skills to recognize and respond effectively to scams. 

The Revenue Center Pro broker Brian Baros says as financial pressures increase and scams continue to rise, it is essential for individuals to be vigilant and well-informed. In this article, we delve into the world of scams, exploring common tactics used by fraudsters and providing detailed guidance from Trading Standards on how to spot scams, report incidents, and protect oneself and others from falling victim to fraudulent schemes.

Recognizing Scam Red Flags: Stay One Step Ahead

In this section, we highlight the importance of being alert to scams in various forms, such as online, phone, mail, and doorstep encounters. By understanding the common tactics employed by scammers, individuals can identify potential red flags and protect themselves. We delve into specific examples of scams, including energy rebate scams, bogus bank calls, and deceptive doorstep sales practices. Furthermore, we shed light on the 'Hello Mum' scam, a particularly emotional and manipulative scheme targeting unsuspecting victims.

Taking Action to Stay Safe: Empower Yourself

Trading Standards emphasizes the significance of scam awareness and encourages individuals to take proactive measures to protect themselves and others. We explore the campaign's key message: "Stop, report, talk, and be scam aware." By adopting these principles, individuals can disrupt scammers' operations and prevent others from falling victim to fraud. We delve into each step, emphasizing the importance of recognizing scams, promptly reporting incidents to the appropriate authorities, engaging in conversations to raise awareness, and sharing personal experiences to help educate others.

Essential Tips for Avoiding Scams: Knowledge is Key

This section provides readers with a comprehensive set of practical tips offered by Trading Standards. We emphasize the importance of recognizing and deleting unsolicited emails from banks and social media platforms that request urgent actions regarding personal accounts. Additionally, we emphasize the significance of implementing strong and unique passwords for online banking, shopping, and social media platforms. Readers are encouraged to consider using call blockers and displaying 'No Cold Callers' cards to deter scammers at the door. We also stress the importance of taking the time to make decisions, avoiding feeling rushed, and learning more about scammers to become a 'Friend Against Scams.'

Reporting and Seeking Assistance: Mobilizing Support

Reporting scams is crucial in combating fraudulent activities. We discuss the importance of promptly reporting scams to Citizens Advice and Trading Standards, who offer valuable guidance and support to victims. In instances where individuals have fallen victim to a scam, we highlight the importance of seeking advice from Citizens Advice on the necessary steps to mitigate the impact and prevent further harm. Furthermore, we shed light on the various support services provided by Trading Standards and other relevant authorities to assist victims and prevent future incidents.

The Scale of Scam Incidents: Understanding the Impact

To underscore the significance of the issue, we present statistics from the Crime Survey for England and Wales, revealing the alarming prevalence of fraud offences. Furthermore, we explore findings from Citizens Advice, which indicate that scams have targeted more than two-thirds of adults (36 million) in the first five months of 2021 alone. These statistics emphasize the urgent need for heightened scam awareness and collective action to combat this pervasive threat.


Scams have unfortunately become a daily part of our lives, causing significant distress and harm to millions of people each year. However, armed with knowledge and taking a proactive approach, individuals can protect themselves and contribute to a safer community. Trading Standards' comprehensive tips, combined with the Scams Awareness Week campaign, empower individuals to recognize scams, take appropriate action, and help prevent others from falling victim. By uniting against scams, we can create a more secure environment and ensure that fraudsters are met with resilience and informed consumers. Together, we have the power to combat scams and safeguard our communities.

Disclaimer: Our content is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is very important to do your own research before making any investment based on your own personal circumstances. You should take independent financial advice from a professional in connection with, or independently research and verify, any information that you find on this article and wish to rely upon, whether for the purpose of making an investment decision or otherwise. We do not provide any warranties regarding the information in this website and are not responsible for any losses or damages incurred as a result of trading or investing.

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