SafeOne coin releases OTC yield farms with high APRs

By meghana_awhale | Date: 26/05/2023

SafeOne coin releases OTC yield farms with high APRs

Nottingham United Kingdom -- SafeOne Coin is known for its fast, secure, and unmatched low-cost blockchain. Its users stand out to enjoy the rich features of the platform. It recently introduced an OTC yield farm with high APRs.

This will enable one to do IDO-type fundraising with SAFO OTC farm. It will be done together with the Tomokachi project mid this month.(Tomokachi is the name of the project who will use it first, not the presale). Once the Tomokachi is successfully launched, then the farms will be used for ETH launch.

The OTC yield farm will be used in a kind of IDO on a decentralised exchange. SAFO technology has been used to ensure maximum security. Investors can be confident their funds are safe and can access them anytime. Unlike other projects, in this, the LP tokens investors put in the project will be in their hands. It operates just like the ISPO, just different appliances.

The new OTC yield farm is a rug-free presale, only needing an extra one-time use function in the contracts. It works similar to ISPO. Its main advantage is that you can earn interest before even launching the project. The LP is locked against a destake fee of 20%, which guarantees a stable launch of the project. All this will be done over the dApp of the project. The OTC farms will be in place even after launch of this project.

Once you buy the tokens, you will be listed on a dex with minimalist LP (set OTC price), which is physically saved in our yield farm and only virtually staked.

To diversify the risk, the platform has been made such that not all investors’ money is in the dex. That means that half of the investor’s funds are safe in case of anything, e.g. if the project tanks. The major LP will be within the contract and accessible from the project. The funded project does not have access to the LP in the yield farm, making the LP not sellable in the market. That means the possibility of a rug is minimal.

To enhance security, only in-house codes or audited contracts will be used to prevent malicious behaviour through the project contract itself.

Although the platform has been optimised for security, one must ensure they have the right strategy for continued liquidity. One should follow the project strategy, ensure the contract is auto-LP integrated and partner with other LP providers.

One point to keep in mind is:

The new OTC yield farm is a cost-effective and decentralised way to fund new and low-budget projects from the initial stages, especially targeting stealth launch, meme, and degen projects.

The OTC system in this application generates funds from the Prelaunch and continued funds for the project and does so until the farm duration ends simultaneously.

The IDO like presale will officially go live mid this Month, a chance to get good returns.

Undoubtedly, it is one of the safest investments to make, as loopholes for malicious behaviour have been cut out.

Hopefully, you have enjoyed today’s article for further coverage please check out our Crypto Blog Page Thanks for reading! Have a fantastic day! Live from the Platinum Crypto Trading Floor.

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