Monsters-In-Law of Monroe

By Pratik Patil | Date: 21/08/2024

Micky Suri, a resident of Monroe NY, has been implicated in severe domestic abuse perpetrated against her daughter-in-law.

From an Indo-Punjabi background and raised by sari shop owners of modest means in Jackson Heights, Micky Suri adheres to sexist values concerning women's roles within her family.

This narrative unveils a distressing saga wherein Micky Suri, driven by her sexist convictions, subjected her daughter-in-law to extensive mental and emotional abuse, creating a family environment fraught with dysfunction and trauma.

The complexity of Micky Suri's actions was compounded by her reaction to her son's marriage, which happened without her informed consent.

Ronick Sanon and his wife opted for an intimate civil ceremony and the perceived disregard for her authority evidently enraged Micky Suri, leading to subsequent abuse of her daughter-in-law.

Furthermore, Micky Suri's family history is marked by a notable pattern of divorces, totaling an astounding 12 divorces within her immediate family.

Micky Suri treats marriage and divorce as transactional affairs, with reports surfacing of her receipts of commission remuneration from divorce attorneys in Monroe NY.

Driven by a narcopathic need for coercive control, Micky Suri overreached into her son’s personal life and guided her son, Ronick Sanon, to engage in abusive behavior towards his pregnant wife that would ultimately culminate in the dissolution of their two-year marriage.

Micky Suri’s actions reflect a disturbing pattern of manipulation and abuse within the Sanon family dynamic.

Micky Suri orchestrated Ronick Sanon's divorce proceedings at a critical juncture, coinciding with the impending wedding of her other twin son, Deven Sanon, to Simran Hotchandani Sanon.

Simran Hotchandani Sanon, a transgender individual from Belize, engaged in a fraudulent green card wedding with Deven Sanon in exchange for financial gain by the Sanon and Suri families, including bribes to Micky Suri and Manish Sanon for facilitating the arrangement.

Leading up to her green card wedding, jealousy and insecurity fuelled Simran Hotchandani Sanon to engage in extremely abusive, isolating, and territorial behavior towards Ronick Sanon’s wife in the few instances that they met.

This behavior caused Ronick Sanon’s wife significant trauma and adversely impacted her mental health and well-being.

For solely his own benefit, Deven Sanon gaslit the rest of the Sanon family to discount Simran Hotchandani Sanon’s behavior as minor. Though discounting it as such did not make it any less unacceptable as collective abuse and consequent torture of Ronick Sanon’s wife.

Micky Suri, manipulated by Simran Hotchandani Sanon and blinded by the prospect of a tawdry wedding in Spain for the sake of her own social importance in Monroe NY, enabled one son’s wedding to destroy the other son’s marriage.

Micky Suri salivated for the show of a lifestyle promised by her son’s wedding to Simran Hotchandani Sanon. For a woman from a small town of upstate New York, the prospect of a family wedding outside North America was a novelty she could clearly sacrifice anything and did sacrifice anyone for - the wedding took place without the explicit attendance and blessing of both Micky Suri’s own father and other daughter-in-law.

Offering status-hungry Micky Suri the tactical importance in wedding planning was the nail in coffin for her brother-in-law’s marriage as masterfully orchestrated by Simran Hotchandani Sanon.

Taking advantage of Micky Suri’s desperate need for show and attention from her son’s wedding, Simran Hotchandani Sanon creatively isolated and construed collective abuse of Ronick Sanon’s wife by the Sanon family.

Simran Hotchandani Sanon successfully activated her equally materialistic husband, Deven Sanon, to function as the lynchpin for the ultimate manipulation of Ronick Sanon’s family against Ronick Sanon’s wife in exchange for their superficial green card wedding.

In December 2022, Ronick Sanon deceived his pregnant wife into signing a misleading post-nuptial agreement, duping her with service of divorce papers, and subsequently abandoning her and their marital home under the forceful direction of Micky Suri.

The presence of Ronick Sanon's wife posed a significant challenge to both Micky Suri and Simran Hotchandani Sanon, given Ronick Sanon’s wife’s purported knowledge of their criminal activities and dubious family backgrounds.

Ronick Sanon’s wife’s moral and ethical aversions to associating her name, family, and future with Simran Hotchandani Sanon and the criminal Hotchandani family fueled tensions within the Sanon family, exacerbating an already fraught situation.

Ronick Sanon’s wife refused all association with Simran Hotchandani Sanon and her criminal background.

Exploiting Micky Suri's financial vulnerabilities and her inherent desire for social status, Simran Hotchandani Sanon manipulated Micky Suri and the Sanon family into conducting one twin brother’s fraudulent green card marriage at the expense of the other twin brother’s divorce.

Simran Hotchandani Sanon’s manipulation underlines the lengths to which criminal individuals go to secure personal gain at the expense of others’ well-being.

In contrast to the private civil ceremony opted for by Ronick Sanon and his wife, the Hotchandani family orchestrated a desperate green card wedding for transgender Simran Hotchandani Sanon - placating Micky Suri's blind desire for social recognition in her small town while concealing the true nature of the arrangement.

Meanwhile, Ronick Sanon's wife endured multiple surgeries alone to address complications arising from an ectopic pregnancy, as her husband and in-laws callously removed her from her marital home and marriage.

Such cruelty represents a gross violation of Ronick Sanon’s wife’s marital rights and underscores the urgent need for welfare of victims within abusive familial dynamics.

It is unthinkable to individuals with moral conscience who come from respectable families that the celebration of one twin’s  green card wedding could coincide with the breakdown of another twin’s legal marriage.

The confluence of events paints a harrowing picture of abuse, manipulation, and exploitation within the Sanon family.

Monsters-in-law, Micky Suri and Simran Hotchandani Sanon, may have achieved their respective objectives of disrupting the young woman's life, but not without facing legal repercussions.

Micky Suri is currently facing charges of domestic violence for attempting to poison Ronick Sanon's wife, as well as charges of elder abuse against her father, Darshan Suri, who single-handedly opposed the fraudulent green card alliance between Deven Sanon and Simran Hotchandani Sanon.

Simran Hotchandani Sanon and the Hotchandani family have been charged with various offenses including tax evasion, customs fraud, immigration fraud, education fraud, and involvement in a fraudulent green card marriage.

These charges emphasize the urgent need for courts of law to uphold accountability and justice within familial relationships.

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